Dušan, father of the Mladinsko Theatre
On the occasion of the survey exhibition Dušan Jovanović – A Cultural Terrorist, the MladinskoTheatre and the Slovenian Theatre Institute kindly invite you to a discussion evening Dušan, the father of the Mladinsko Theatre.
Guests: Marko Juvan, Janez Pipan, Milena Zupančič, Ivo Svetina, Dragan Živadinov
Moderator: Draga Potočnjak
Free admission!
Theatre magnate Dušan Jovanović has dedicated ten years of his life to Mladinsko as artistic director and director. During that time it became a place of artistic freedom and experiment. However, Dušan's role in the constitution of Mladinsko as a contemporary and socially engaged theatre in the context of Slovenian theatre history has remained somewhat blurred. It was overlooked in the work of Slovenian and Yugoslav theatre criticism as early as the 1980s. Dušan's departure from Mladinsko in 1987 was sudden and unplanned; he did not like to talk about it. In our discussion about the theatrical 1980s, we will not dig into wounds, but we would like to ensure that Dušan's importance for the development of Mladinsko Threatre remains in the memory of Slovenian theatre.
The discussion is organized in cooperation with the Mladinsko Theatre and the Slovenian Theatre Institute as part of the accompanying events for the exhibition Dušan Jovanović – A Cultural Terrorist.