When the German Theatre Society inaugurated its new theatre building in Ljubljana, the Kaiser-Franz-Joseph Jubiläumstheater (The Emperor-Franz-Joseph Jubilee Theatre) on 4 October 1911, it certainly did not anticipate the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, and the ensuing ban on German theatre performances which followed only seven years later. On 6 February 1919, the Slovene Drama Ensemble began performing in this building which was then named the National Theatre in Ljubljana – Drama and became the domicile of the principal drama theatre in Slovenia.
Before the complete renovation of the SNT Drama Ljubljana building, we will have a chance to hear Sandra Jenko, M.A, theatre scholar, museum consultant and educator, and travel back in time to the beginnings and explore what the building looked like when it was first built, who worked there, especially in the early days, and how it has changed up until this day.