Vinilna plošča velika - Nightflight to Venus - Boney M - album. Na sprednji strani so na beli vrvi člani Boney M, okoli njih so zvezde, podlaga je črna. Zadnja stran je črne barve v ozadju so zvezde na tleh je bela meglica na sredini so Boney M v rdečih oblačilih in se držijo viseče lestve. Napisi: stran 1) Nightflight to Venus, Rasputin, Painter man, He was a steppenwolf, King of the road; stran 2) Rivers of Babylon, Voodoonight, Brown girl in the ring, Never change lovers in the middle of the night, Heart of gold; a Frank Farian-Production, recorded at: Europasound studios Offenbach and union studios Munich 1978, mixed at: Europasound studios Offenbach, engineers: Fred Schreier, John Lund, Hartmut Pfannmuller, Tammy Grohe, arrangements by: Stefan Klinkhammer, Johann Daansen, Michael Cretu, Mats Bjorkllund, Christian Kolonovits, art direction: Manfred Vormstein, design; Dengler/Kohlmeier, photos: Didi Zill, urednik redakcije: Veljko Despot, glavni i odgovorni urednik: Dubravko Majnarić, LSHANS-78013.